Tuesday, July 8, 2008

September 21, 2005 : Travel around

I have never had such a busy travelling schedule. On Monday, Sept 19, I flew to Semarang to meet an urology surgeon for my Greenlight PVP machine and met Dr. Wijitra, a gastroenterologist. Went home in the evening. Bought Wingko babat and Kue Moci for me, and bakpia for Yeny.

Then on Sept 20, went to office as usual, gave Susan a to-do-list, went to Siloam Gleneagles Hospital with her, then flew to Medan in the afternoon.

Stayed in my grandma's house for a night. On my way to her house, I saw lots lots of DURIAN....Wow.....The Durian season is here.....I wished I could eat them. But I didn't have time. My uncle dropped and picked me at Adam Malik Hospital on his motorcycle. Man......the hospital is very very far....And if you know it, it's the hospital where Mandala airplane burned victims were gathered. Waited for Dr. Adril, the busy neurosurgeon, from 8 AM. He showed up at 11.20 AM, followed him to O.T., waited again for 30 minutes, followed him to his office. He left to Haji Hospital. I talked for awhile with his assistant. Went to see Vice Director and Director.

My uncle brought me to bika ambon store, I bought Bika Ambon cakes and a bottle of terong belanda syrup (I don't know the fruit name in English).....More baggage to carry. Before went to Polonia, he brought me to the site where Mandala airplane crashed. His younger brother was one of the victims.

I arrived in Jakarta at 9.15 PM, arrive at home at around 10 PM. I unpacked, washed my dirty laundry, and packed again for Seoul trip.

SEOUL...........I'm coming!!!

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